Homunculus AI Script User’s Guide
Homunculus AI Script User’s Guide
Table of Contents
2- Script Performance Properties
3- Ragnarok Client Built-In Functions
4- Ragnarok Client Built-In Constant Values
We developed the Homunculus AI System to enable RO gamers to customize Homunculus behaviors by creating their own, unique AI files that they can share with the RO community. Homunculus AI scripts are written in the LUA programming language and processed by a program embedded in the RO client. For more information on the LUA language, please visit http://www.lua.org. Homunculus action is controlled by the AI.lua and Util.lua files inside the AI folder in the Ragnarok Client program folder. We plan to add more functions to the Homunculus AI scripts to enhance Homunculus behavior customization. For users who are unfamiliar with scripting or computer programming, we will provide official AI scripts that all players can employ as a reference.
2- Script Performance Properties
Three files located in the AI folder in the Ragnarok Online client program directory (C:\Program Files\Gravity\Ragnarok Online\AI by default) are central to the Homunculus AI script performance: AI.lua, Const.lua and Util.lua.
● AI.lua
AI.lua contains the AI(id) functions that dictate a Homunculus’s action. You can modify your Homunculus’s behavior by editing the contents of this file. The RO client requires a working AI.lua file for Homunculus operation and if the RO client finds any grammatical or logical errors in this file, a message noting the location of the error will be displayed and the program will halt.
● Const.lua
This file contains constant variables used in Homunculus scripting and operation, and it refers to both AI.lua and Util.lua. The RO client doesn’t require this file for Homunculus operation, but const.lua is necessary for enabling Homunculus behaviors of greater complexity.
● Util.lua
This file contains the data structure for the Homunculus AI, which we will call a List, and a few basic computation functions. The RO client doesn’t require this file for Homunculus operation, but Util.lua is necessary to enable the Homunculus AI to queue commands and to store lists of information for Homunculus operation, such as specific enemy monsters or characters.
Each time before a Homunculus spawns, the RO client automatically processes the AI.lua and Util.lua files. If there are any errors in AI.lua or Util.lua files, the RO client will halt and display an error message detailing the location of the error. Otherwise, the RO client will execute the AI(id) functions that are scripted in the AI.lua file, activating the Homunculus AI. A Homunculus spawns when the following situations occur.
1) Creating a Homunculus
2) Reviving a dead Homunculus
3) Starting the game with a character that possesses a Homunculus
4) Using Fly Wing or Butterfly Wing with a character that possesses a Homunculus
5) Using a Warp Portal with a character that possesses a Homunculus
6) Using the Kafra Teleport Service with a character that possesses a Homunculus
3- Ragnarok Client Built-In Functions
The AI(id) functions are already built into the RO client and include fundamental actions such as movement, attacking, eating and skill usage. These functions use id numbers to identify in-game objects such as specific Homunculi, monsters or characters. The following is a reference list of basic functions that Homunculi can perform.
1) MoveToOwner (id)
id: Homunculus ID
Return value: None
Function: Homunculus moves to the spot closest to its owner.
2) Move (id,x,y)
id: Homunculus ID
x: x-axis coordinates on current map
y: y-axis coordinates on current map
Return value: none
Function: Homunculus moves to a specific destination on the current map
3) Attack (id1,id2)
id1: Homunculus ID (Attacker)
id2: Target ID
Return value: none
Function: Commands Homunculus (id1) to attack a target (id2).
4) GetV (V_,id) end
V_...: A constant variable that displays the property of the targeted object
id: Target object
Return value: The constant variable used in this function determines which return value is used. The return value for V_POSITION is x,y coordinates, and the return value for V_HP is an HP value.
Function: Gains id’s property (V_...). Constant value of property is defined in Util.lua file.
Refer to “4- Ragnarok Client Built-In Constant Value” for more details about these properties.
5) GetActors ()
Return value: A set of IDs that are returned in LUA format.
Function: Views the IDs of characters, NPCs, monsters, items and skills within the character’s screen.
6) GetTick ()
Return value: 1/1000 second unit numbers
Function: Displays a timer that starts at 0 and increases by 1 each 1/1000 seconds.
7) GetMsg (id)
id: Homunculus ID
Return value: Direct message from RO client that is returned in LUA format.
Function: Deliver user’s commands input through RO client interface (Homunculus Window) as a message string to the AI script
8) GetResMsg (id)
id: Homunculus ID
Return value: A reserved message string from the RO client that is returned in LUA format.
Function: Delivers user’s reserved message as script language.
10) SkillObject (id, level, skill, target)
id: Homunculus ID
Return value: none
Function: Homunculus performs a skill of a specific level on a target.
11) SkillGround (id, level, skill, x, y)
Function: Homunculus performs a skill of a specific level on the ground. The x,y coordinates input in this function determines where the ground targeting skill will be cast.
13) IsMonster (id)
id: An in-game object
Return value: The id will have a return value of 1 if the object is a monster; all other objects have a return value of 0.
Function: Recognizes monsters.
14) TraceAI (string)
string: String that is recorded in the TraceAI.txt file.
Function: Records the status of the script as it is processed and analyzed.
4- Ragnarok Client Built-In Constant Values
The following is a list of the built-in constant variables defined in the Const.lua file.
4-1. Constant Values used for GetV function
V_OWNER = 0 -- Returns the Homunculus owner’s ID
V_POSITION = 1 -- Returns the current location’s x,y coordinates
V_TYPE = 2 -- Defines an object (Not implemented yet)
V_MOTION = 3 -- Returns the current action
V_ATTACKRANGE = 4 -- Returns the attack range (Not implemented yet; temporarily set as 1 cell)
V_TARGET = 5 -- Returns the target of an attack or skill
V_SKILLATTACKRANGE = 6 -- Returns the skill attack range (Not implemented yet)
V_HOMUNTYPE = 7 -- Returns the type of Homunculus
V_HP = 8 -- Current HP amount of a Homunculus or its owner
V_SP = 9 -- Current SP amount of a Homunculus or its owner
V_MAXHP = 10 -- The maximum HP of a Homunculus or its owner
V_MAXSP = 11 -- The maximum SP of a Homunculus or its owner
4-2. Return values for GetV (V_MOTION, id)
MOTION_STAND = 0 : Standing
MOTION_MOVE = 1 : Movement
MOTION_ATTACK = 2 : Attack
MOTION_DEAD = 3 : Dead
MOTION_ATTACK2 = 9 : Attack
4-3. Return values for GetV (V_HOMUNTYPE, id)
LIF = 1 : Lif
AMISTR = 2 : Amistr
FILIR = 3 : Filir
VANILMIRTH = 4 : Vanilmirth
LIF_H = 5 : Advanced Lif
AMISTR_H = 6 : Advanced Amistr
FILIR_H = 7 : Advanced Filir
VANILMIRTH_H = 8 : Advanced Vanilmirth
4-4. Return values of GetMsg (id), GetResMsg (id), i.e. Homunculus commands performed through RO client interface
NOME_CMD = 0 -- No Command
{Command Number}
MOVE_CMD = 1 -- Move
{Command Number, x coordinate, y coordinate}
STOP_CMD = 2 -- Stop
{Command Number}
ATTACT_OBJET_CMD = 3 -- Attack
{Command Number, Target ID}
ATTACK_AREA_CMD = 4 -- Area Attack
{Command Number, x coordinate, y coordinate}
PATROL_CMD = 5 -- Patrol
{Command Number, x coordinate, y coordinate}
HOLD_CMD = 6 -- Mark
{Command Number}
SKILL_OBJECT_CMD = 7 -- Use Skill
{Command Number, Selected Level, Type, Target ID}
SKILL_AREA_CMD = 8 -- Use Area Attack Skill
{Command Number, Selected Level, Type, x coordinate, y coordinate}
FOLLOW_CMD = 9 -- Follow Its Owner
{Command Number}
5- Basic Script
5-1. The Essentials of AI Scripting
Homunculus AI scripts can written using text format files through a text editor such as Notepad. The script’s file name extension must be “.lua” for it to be recognized as a LUA format file. Before experimenting with Homunculus AI or implementing a new AI script, you should save a copy of the official AI script in another folder for backup purposes. But first we need to understand Homunculus states and actions before we can begin scripting actual Homunculus functions.
The Homunculus AI System is based on the Finite State Machine a.k.a. FSM theory, a model of behavior defined by states, transitions between states, and actions. For the purposes of Homunculus AI, we will be using four very basic states.
In the IDLE state, the Homunculus will rest; and does not perform any actions.
This state may be desirable when there are no monsters around and the owner is doing nothing, giving the Homunculus an opportunity to rest.
When a Homunculus spawns, it is initially in the IDLE state.
In the CHASE state, the Homunculus will follow the targeted object.
This state may be desirable when an enemy attacks the Homunculus or its owner so that the Homunculus can approach its target close enough to ATTACK it.
When encountering monsters that are too powerful for the Homunculus within a specific distance, users can deactivate the CHASE stat in order to evade these monsters.
In the ATTACK state, the Homunculus will continuously perform the action of attacking the targeted object.
This state may be desirable when an object causes damage to the Homunculus’s owner or if any monsters are in the Homunculus’s vicinity.
In the FOLLOW state, the Homunculus will travel towards its owner.
This state may be desirable when a Homunculus defeats an enemy or when an enemy is too far away from the owner.
If we want the Homunculus to stay a certain distance away from the owner, we change to the IDLE state at a certain distance.
When creating a Homunculus AI script, consider which battle situations you and your Homunculus are likely to encounter and which actions the Homunculus should take in response to battle outcomes and other situational changes. This diagram illustrates the scripted behavior of a Homunculus, how it accordingly transitions between different states in different situations.
IDLE CHASE ATTACK FOLLOW 1. Enemy is no longer in sight. 2. Enemy is defeated. 3. Enemy is out of range. Close to its owner 3. Enemy is out of range. 1. Owner is being attacked 2. Homunculus is being attacked. 1. Enemy is defeated. 2. Enemy is no longer in sight. Homunculus is too far away from its owner. 4. Enemy’s location changes 4. Rest for another battle
5-3 Util.lua
Before creating the actual AI script, let’s create a “Util.lua” file that will contain additional functions for the Homunculus. If you wish to create your own “Util.lua” from scratch, simply create a text file, rename it as “Util.lua,” and then add the following text.
require “./AI/Const.lua” --Placing this line at the very top of the file makes this file refer to the Const.lua file.
A data structure in which data is saved in a certain order is useful in scripting. For the purposes of Homunculus AI, we will be using a data structure, classified as a List, in order to store queued commands to the Homunculus, targets, and other information that may be useful in Homunculus operation.
(Refer Util.lua)
List.new () -- Returns a new list
List.pushleft (list, value) -- Adds a component to the left side of list
List.pushright (list, value) -- Adds a component to the right side of list
List.popleft (list) -- Summons the first value at the left side of list
List.popright (list) -- Summons the first value at the right side of list
List.clear (list) -- Empties the current list
List.size (list) -- The total numbers of components saved in the list
The following is a list of computation functions that are frequently used.
GetDistance (x1,y1,x2,y2) -- Cell distance between two coordinates (Positive number value)
GetDistance2 (id1, id2) -- Cell distance between two objects (Positive number value)
GetOwnerPosition (id) -- Owner’s location
GetDistanceFromOwner (id) -- Distance from the owner
IsOutOfSight (id1,id2) -- If id1 and id2 are within visual range, this function will return the “true” value; otherwise, it will return the “false” value.
IsInAttackSight (id1,id2) -- If id2 is within id1’s attack range, this function return the “true” value; otherwise, it will return the “false” value.
5-4 AI.lua Tutorial
Now, let’s create a new AI.lua. Create a new text file and rename it to “AI.lua.” Open this new AI.lua file using Notepad and enter the following text at the very top of the file.
require “./AI/Const.lua”
require “./AI/Util.lua”
This will enable the AI.lua file to refer to the Const.lua and Util.lua files located in the AI directory. Without this script, the Homunculus AI cannot access the functions and computations in the Const.lua and Util.lua files. Afterwards, add the most essential function required in the “AI.lua.”
function AI (myid)
This simple script is the minimum requirement for the Homunculus AI to execute without any errors. However, no behaviors have yet been coded and therefore, your Homunculus is only capable of standing still. For the Homunculus to exhibit actual behaviors, we will need to define the Homunculus states that we have planned earlier: IDLE, FOLLOW, CHASE, and ATTACK.
IDLE_ST = 0 --- Idle
FOLLOW_ST = 1 --- Follow
CHASE_ST = 2 --- Chase
ATTACK_ST = 3 --- Attack
You will need to include a variable for remembering the Homunculus’s current state into your AI script.
You must also know your Homunculus’s id, enemy’s id and the destination coordinates for issued commands.
-- Global variables
MyState = IDLE_ST -- Initial state
MyEnemy = 0 -- Enemy’s ID
MyDestX = 0 -- x coordinate of a destination
MyDestY = 0 -- y coordinate of a destination
MyPatrolX = 0 -- x coordinate of a scouting location
MyPatrolY = 0 -- y coordinate of a scouting location
ResCmdList = List.new() -- List of queued commands
MyID = 0 -- Homunculus ID
MySkill = 0 -- Homunculus skills
MySkillLevel = 0 -- Homunculus skill level
function AI (myid)
MyID = myid
The OnIDLE_ST() function defines the Homunculus’s behaviors when it enters the IDLE status.
In the following script, the Homunculus will check if any monsters are attacking the owner. The Homunculus defines a monster that targets its owner for an attack as the owner’s enemy. It will then define the owner’s enemy as its own enemy, transition to the CHASE state and chase the monster until is further than 3 cells away from its owner. After reaching a distance of three cells, the Homunculus will transition to the FOLLOW state and return to its owner’s location.
function OnIDLE_ST ()
local object = GetOwnerEnemy (MyID) -- Defines the owner’s enemies as “object.”
if (object ~= 0) then -- If any of the owner’s enemies are present
MyState = CHASE_ST -- Homunculus transitions to CHASE state
MyEnemy = object -- Remember the enemy’s ID; Owner’s enemy is now Homunculus’s enemy
return -- Finish the function
object = GetMyEnemy (MyID) -- Defines the Homunculus’s enemies as “object.”
if (object ~= 0) then -- If any enemies are present
MyState = CHASE_ST -- Homunculus transitions to CHASE state
MyEnemy = object -- Remembers the enemy’s ID
local distance = GetDistanceFromOwner(MyID) -- Masks distance between Homunculus and owner as a variable named “distance”
if ( distance > 3 or distance == -1) then -- When the Homunculus is further than 3 cells away from its owner, or out of the owner’s sight
MyState = FOLLOW_ST -- Homunculus transitions to FOLLOW state
function AI (myid)
MyID = myid
if (MyState == IDLE_ST) then
In this sample script, the Homunculus will remember human characters that attack its owner and define them as its own enemies.
function GetOwnerEnemy (myid) -- Find the owner’s enemy.
local result = 0
local owner = GetV (V_OWNER,myid) -- The owner
local actors = GetActors () -- Objects within the owner’s sight
local enemys = {} --A table that records the owner’s
local index = 1
local target
for i,v in ipairs(actors) do -- Patrol around every object within
the owner’s sight.
if (v ~= owner and v ~= myid) then -- Target of an object
target = GetV (V_TARGET,v)
if (target == owner) then -- If the target is the owner
if (IsMonster(v) == 1) then -- and if the object is a monster
enemys[index] = v -- add it on the owner’s enemy list
index = index+1
else -- If the object is not a monster,
local motion = GetV(V_MOTION,i) -- check the current action of the
if (motion == MOTION_ATTACK or motion == MOTION_ATTACK2) then
– If the action is attack
enemys[index] = v -- add the object on the owner’s
index = index+1
local min_dis = 100 -- Define the initial distance as 100
local dis
for i,v in ipairs(enemys) do -- Patrol around every enemy
of the owner
dis = GetDistance2 (myid,v) -- Distance between the owner and
an enemy
if (dis < min_dis) then -- If the distance is closer than the
initial distance (100 cells)
result = v -- Define the final enemy
min_dis = dis -- Define the minimum distance
return result -- Return the result
If the result value is 0, none of the owner’s enemies are present. Otherwise, the owner is being attacked.
A Homunculus can define specific monsters or characters as enemies, record them into a list, and then determine if they are present. Users can then script the AI so that a Homunculus can take action on a predefined enemy before the enemy attacks. The previous scripts are suitable for a passive Homunculus that will only battle after it is attacked. For an aggressive Homunculus AI, you can create a script in which your Homunculus will define monsters as enemies so long as they are on the screen.
function GetMyEnemy (myid) -- Check for Homunculus’s enemies
local result = 0
local type = GetV (V_HOMUNTYPE,myid) -- Type of Homunculus used in this script
if (type == LIF or type == LIF_H or type == AMSTR or type == AMSTR_H) then
result = GetMyEnemyA (myid) -- Function for finding non-aggressive enemies
elseif (type == FILIR or type == FILIR_H or type == VANILMIRTH or type == VANILMIRTH_H) then
result = GetMyEnemyB (myid) -- Function for finding aggressive enemies
return result
-- non-aggressive GetMyEnemy
function GetMyEnemyA (myid)
local result = 0
local owner = GetV (V_OWNER,myid)
local actors = GetActors ()
local enemys = {}
local index = 1
local target
for i,v in ipairs(actors) do
if (v ~= owner and v ~= myid) then
target = GetV (V_TARGET,v)
if (target == myid) then
enemys[index] = v -- Define objects attacking Homunculus as its enemies
index = index+1
local min_dis = 100
local dis
for i,v in ipairs(enemys) do
dis = GetDistance2 (myid,v)
if (dis < min_dis) then
result = v
min_dis = dis
return result
-- Aggressive GetMyEnemy
function GetMyEnemyB (myid)
local result = 0
local owner = GetV (V_OWNER,myid)
local actors = GetActors ()
local enemys = {}
local index = 1
local type
for i,v in ipairs(actors) do
if (v ~= owner and v ~= myid) then
if (1 == IsMonster(v)) then
enemys[index] = v -- Define every monster around Homunculus as its enemy
index = index+1
local min_dis = 100
local dis
for i,v in ipairs(enemys) do
dis = GetDistance2 (myid,v)
if (dis < min_dis) then
result = v
min_dis = dis
return result
A Homunculus’s owner directly issues commands to the Homunculus, via the Mouse or Shortcut keys or RO client interface, that are sent to the Homunculi AI script as message strings. The following lines must be added under the AI(myid) function in the AI.lua file for the Homunculi AI to receive and interpret message strings from the RO client so that the Homunculus can perform direct commands from its owner.
MyID = myid
local msg = GetMsg (myid) -- Receive messages
local rmsg = GetResMsg (myid) -- Receive reserved message, i.e. queued command
ProcessCommand (msg) -- Perform user’s commands
-- Save reserved message
if msg[1] == NONE_CMD then
if rmsg[1] ~= NONE_CMD then
if List.size(ResCmdList) < 10 then -- Set maximum number of messages that can be saved
List.pushright (ResCmdList,rmsg)
List.clear (ResCmdList) -- Cancel previous reserved commands each time a new command is received
Note that the ProcessCommand (msg) function handles message strings such as OnMOVE_CMD (msg[2],msg[3]). The command status functions in this script, such as OnMOVE_CMD_ST (), are necessary for the Homunculus AI to confirm whether the Homunculus has completed performing a direct command.
5-5. Grammatical Error Check and Writing TraceAI.txt
Sometimes, a complete script file may contain grammatical errors that will cause the RO client to display an error message while processing the script. However, you can check an AI script for errors before running the RO client by using the lua.exe program included with the latest version of the iRO client program. Double-click the lua.exe file in the RO client folder and enter the following line into the command prompt:
dofile ‘./AI/AI.lua’
The lua.exe file will process the AI.lua file and display a message detailing an error if one is present. If the script does not contain any technical errors, no message will be displayed. Even if you have checked the AI.lua script beforehand, you may occasionally receive an error from the RO client if you begin the game with a character that possesses a Homunculus. In this case, simply open the AI script and correct the error prior to restarting the RO client. Keep in mind that a technically perfect AI script may contain logical errors resulting in different Homunculus behavior than was intended.
In correcting logical errors in the Homunculus AI, you will need to note the Homunculus’s state transitions and analyze its behavior. For example, when an enemy is in the vicinity, you may want your Homunculus to CHASE it and then attack it. If the Homunculus is chasing the enemy but is not attacking it as intended, this would be considered a logical error in the script. The following is an example script that illustrates this Homunculus behavior.
function OnCHASE_ST ()
TraceAI ("OnCHASE_ST")
if (true == IsOutOfSight(MyID,MyEnemy)) then -- ENEMY_OUTSIGHT_IN
MyState = IDLE_ST
MyEnemy = 0
MyDestX, MyDestY = 0,0
if (true == IsInAttackSight(MyID,MyEnemy)) then -- ENEMY_INATTACKSIGHT_IN
local x, y = GetV (V_POSITION,MyEnemy)
if (MyDestX ~= x or MyDestY ~= y) then -- DESTCHANGED_IN
MyDestX, MyDestY = GetV (V_POSITION,MyEnemy);
Move (MyID,MyDestX,MyDestY)
TraceAI (string.format(“OnChase_ST end MyEnemy: %d, EnemyX : %d, EnemyY:%d, MyDestX:%d, MyDestY:%d\n”,MyEnemy,x,y,MyDestX,MyDestY))
You can monitor the correlation between Homunculus response and the AI script by creating a log in the TraceAI.tx file. Execute the RO client and enter “/traceai” into the Chat Window to begin recording Homunculus functions into the TraceAI.txt file in the RO folder. To stop recording, simply entering the /traceai command into the Chat Window again. If you want to record variables, make sure to include the string “string.format” as illustrated in the sample script above.
LUA site : http://www.lua.org
1) New Homunculus types have been added. Homunculus type definitions in the Const.lua file and the GetMyEnemy function in the AI.lua file have been updated. You must edit the Const.lua and AI.lua files to customize your Homunculus AI.
1) You can now queue movement or attack commands while the Homunculus is performing another action.
Right-click on a cell while pressing the Shift and Alt keys to queue a movement destination.
Right-click on a target while pressing the Shift and Alt keys to queue attacks.
In this sample script, the Homunculus will check for queued commands and then perform them if it is not carrying out any commands. Recently queued commands will be added to the very last line in the Reserve Command List (ResCmdList).
function AI (myid)
if msg[1] == NONE_CMD then
if rmsg[1] ~= NONE_CMD then
if List.size(ResCmdList) < 10 then
List.pushright (ResCmdList,rmsg) – Save reserved commands
List.clear (ResCmdList) -- Delete previous reserved commands when a new command is entered.
ProcessCommand (msg) -- Perform a command.
This sample script enables your Homunculus to perform queued commands when it is in the IDLE state. Specifically, it checks the ResCmdList for any queued commands that have been recorded and will try to perform them upon entering the IDLE state.
function OnIDLE_ST ()
TraceAI ("OnIDLE_ST")
local cmd = List.popleft(ResCmdList)
if (cmd ~= nil) then
ProcessCommand (cmd) -- Perform a reserved command
The following script is useful if you command the Homunculus to move to a destination that is too far away for the server to process. The Homunculus will move to a midpoint that between the destination at the first line of the reserved command list and the Homunculus’s current location.
function OnMOVE_CMD (x,y)
local curX, curY = GetV (V_POSITION,MyID)
if (math.abs(x-curX)+math.abs(y-curY) > 15) then -- If a destination is further than a specific distance, in this case, a distance that is too long for the server to process
List.pushleft (ResCmdList,{MOVE_CMD,x,y}) -- Coordinates of the original destination are saved in the first line of ResCmdList.
x = math.floor((x+curX)/2) -- New location is calculated as a midpoint between original destination and current location.
y = math.floor((y+curY)/2) --
2) Incorrect command number NOME_CMD in Const.lua file has been corrected as NONE_CMD.
3) User AI folder added
Shortcut key and Chat Window commands that enable users to switch between basic AI and custom AI added
Command to toggle between basic and custom AI: /hoai
Custom AI in User AI folder will not be affected by any changes made in basic AI.
The AI(myid) function must be defined in the AI.lua file in the User AI folder to activate a custom AI script
If you wish to use someone else’s AI script, copy that script into the USER_AI folder inside the existing AI folder.
4) Pressing the Alt+T keys or clicking the [Standby] button in the Homunculus information window during the Standby status, FOLLOW_CMD_ST, will change the Homunculus’s state to IDLE (IDLE_ST). For this update, the OnFOLLOW_CMD used in the AI.lua file has been modified.